
(1) Underground City 1998 (1) 地下都市 1998

(1) Underground City Underground -34m 200x200m Population: 100 Approximately 11.300 years ago.Cassiopeia. Present-day Southern Sri Lanka. Asia * Center. background Pyramid (FALF) 35x35x32m(H) I drew on a copy sheet with a pencil, oil-based…

Ⅴ-2 Diagram of the Formation of the Cultural Area of One Constallation 1997 Ⅴ-2 一星座文化圏の成り立ちの説明図 1997

Ⅴ-2 Diagram of the Formation of the Cultural Area of One Constallation 1997 Comprised of 10-1billion Kinds of Planetary Culture + the Galactic Culture True Earth History 134-135P I drew on a copy sheet with a pencil, oil-based pen, brush p…

Ⅴ-1 Diagram of the Cultural Area of a Constellation Ⅴ-1 星座文化圏の説明図

Ⅴ-1 Diagram of the Cultural Area of a Constellation 1997 Secen showing the expeanision and integration of one element to a culture with 10-1billion kinds (there are 264 kinds of such groups) True Earth History 132-133P I drew on a copy she…

Ⅲ-3 Diagram of planetary teleportation apporximately 2,479,000,000 yeas ago. Ⅲ-3 今から約24億7,900万年前の惑星のテレポーテーションの図

Ⅲ-3 Diagram of planetary teleportation apporximately 2,479,000,000 yeas ago. True Earth History 66-67P I drew on a copy sheet with a pencil, oil-based pen, brush pen, and so on. If you would like to duplicate, please contact kuribo-sapporo…

Ⅲ-2 The state apporoxiemately 3,933,590,000 years ago before the solar system was born. Ⅲ-2 今から約39億3,359万年前の太陽系が生まれる前の状態

Ⅲ-2 The state apporoxiemately 3,933,590,000 years ago before the solar system was born. True Earth History 64-65P I drew on a copy sheet with a pencil, oil-based pen, brush pen, and so on. If you would like to duplicate, please contact kur…

Changes in matter and energy that occur in spacetime and space when "AIT" constitutes a planetary system (true Earth history 62-63P) 1998 "AIT"が惑星系を構成するときに宇宙の時空元に起こる物質およびエネルギーの変化(真 地球の歴史62-63P) 1998年

Changes in matter and energy that occur in spacetime and space when "AIT" constitutes a planetary system (true Earth history 62-63P) 1998 Drew with pencils, brush pens, etc. on A4 copy paper. If you would like a copy, please contact kuribo…

llustration of the birth of the galaxy (1998) 銀河系誕生の説明図 1998年

llustration of the birth of the galaxy (1998) I did not know what I was drawing at all. Mr. Ikuro Adachi is “an explanatory diagram of the birth of the galaxy” and an explanation is added to “History of the Earth”. If you would like to dup…

"A diagram of the energy state of the universe" 1998  "宇宙のエネルギー状態を表す図" 1998年

"A diagram of the energy state of the universe" 1998 I drew on A4 copy paper with a pencil and pen. "宇宙のエネルギー状態を表す図" 1998年 A4のコピー用紙に鉛筆とペンで描きました。

"Big Bang Energy State Schematic" 1998 "ビッグバンのエネルギーの状態模式図" 1998年

"Big Bang Energy State Schematic" Although it is a title I do not understand well, I wrote it because it came up naturally. I drew on A4 copy paper with a pencil and pen. "ビッグバンのエネルギーの状態模式図" よく分からないタイトルですが、…

"Energy status during Earth generation" 1998 "地球生成時のエネルギーの状態" 1998年

"Energy status during Earth generation" 1998 Things like letters are cosmic. I don't understand, but I can draw naturally. I drew on A4 copy paper with a pencil and pen. "地球生成時のエネルギーの状態" 1998年 文字のようなものは宇宙語。私に…

"海岸沿いの傾斜地に点在する建物群" 1998年 "Buildings scattered on slopes along the coast" 1998

"海岸沿いの傾斜地に点在する建物群" 1998年 移動には主に"舟"を利用する。"舟"のエネルギー源は時空から取り出され、別の時空に移動され循環している。 アート紙にボールペンで描きました。 原寸はかなり小さく葉書より一回り大きいくらいです。 複製: 8,00…

"Moment of space-time movement" 1998 "時空間移動の瞬間" 1998年

"Moment of space-time movement" 1998 A picture of the moment when the boat has moved from a different time and space. I drew it on art paper with a ballpoint pen. The actual size is much smaller than the postcard. Duplication: 8,000 yen. P…

"Village on a slope along the sea" 1998  "海沿いの傾斜地にある村" 1998年

"Village on a slope along the sea" 1998 The southern slopes are the basis of a bright and healthy life. The south winds are soft and not strong in this area. I drew it on art paper with a ballpoint pen. The actual size is much smaller than…

"A city that expands radially around a square" (1998) "広場を中心に放射状に拡がる都市" 1998年

"A city that expands radially around a square" (1998) In the distance, a pyramid is placed as an energy adjustment device. It has the ability to adjust the surrounding radius of 150km. I drew it on art paper with a ballpoint pen. The actua…

"Organic forms of buildings built with organic materials" 1998 "有機的な材料で建てられた、有機的な形態の建物群" 1998年

"有機的な材料で建てられた、有機的な形態の建物群" 1998年 材料が自ら意思があるので「修理する」必要はない。材料が自ら成長し、自己修復していく。 アート紙にボールペンで描きました。 原寸はかなり小さく葉書より一回り大きいくらいです。 複製: 8,000…

"City on the hill" 1998 "丘の上の都市" 1998年

"City on the hill" 1998 There is a large market in the basement where light is shining. It is a culture where the internal space is the place of life. I drew it on art paper with a ballpoint pen. The actual size is much smaller than the po…

「教室で使えるレポート作成」 が札幌市のホームページにアップされました。

「教室で使えるレポート作成」 が札幌市のホームページにアップされました。PDFをご自由にお使いください。「教室で使えるグループワーク」もよろしく。 http://www.city.sapporo.jp/kyoiku/top/ibkadaitankyu.html

"City of STEPS" 1998 "段上の都市" 1998年

"City of STEPS" 1998 The house is in a staircase, and the top building is the entrance to the city. There are no “roads” between cities. I drew it on art paper with a ballpoint pen. The actual size is much smaller than the postcard. Duplic…

"Building like a public hall" 1998 "公会堂のような建物" 1998年

"Building like a public hall" 1998 Everyone in the village gathers. There are a lot of rooms that anyone can use, a large dining room, and a fun atmosphere. I drew it on art paper with a ballpoint pen. The actual size is much smaller than …

"Plaza and buildings" 1998 "広場と建物群" 1998年

"Plaza and buildings" 1998 Buildings are freely built around a small square. It is a model that allows the concept of ownership to be created from within. I drew it on art paper with a ballpoint pen. The actual size is much smaller than th…

"City with Conference Hall" 1998 "会議場のある都市" 1998年

"会議場のある都市" 1998年 2019/8/3の投稿の会議場の近く。 アート紙にボールペンで描きました。 原寸はかなり小さく葉書より一回り大きいくらいです。 複製: 8,000円。A4の紙に原寸でプリント。個々に応じたメッセージを描き入れます。 原画ご希望の方には…

"City with Conference Hall" 1998 "会議場のある都市" 1998年

"会議場のある都市" 1998年 穏やかで小さな広場を囲んでいくつかの家族が暮らしている。家の所有という概念はなく、境界は曖昧だ。曖昧でも争いが起きないようなルールが作られ、脳の進化がそれに対応している。 アート紙にボールペンで描きました。 原寸は…

"人口五千人の都市の移動" 1998年 "The Movement of a City with a Population of Five Thousands" 1998

"人口五千人の都市の移動" 1998年 この移動に用いられた技術は膨大な情報の読み込みと書き出しだとの事です。 アート紙にボールペンで描きました。 原寸はかなり小さく葉書より一回り大きいくらいです。 複製: 8,000円。A4の紙に原寸でプリント。個々に応じ…

"Building with a population of 7 thousand" 1998 "人口7千人の建物" 1998年

"人口7千人の建物" 1998年 主な交通手段は「浮遊する舟」。人は食べず、飲まず、エネルギーは有機物としては摂取しない。 アート紙にボールペンで描きました。 原寸はかなり小さく葉書より一回り大きいくらいです。 複製: A4の紙に原寸でプリント。個々に応…

"A village with a landing area for a cape" 1998 "舟の発着場を持つ村" 1998年

"A village with a landing area for a cape" 1998 There is a communication facility on the top of the mountain on the left, the center pillar group is the landing point of the fort, and the opposite pyramid is the information gathering place…

"Why did such a happy city die out?" 1998  "こんな幸せそうな街が何故滅びたのか?" 1998年

"Why did such a happy city die out?" 1998 Do human genes cause war? Why do people who live in harmony need to fight each other? I drew on a piece of art paper with a ballpoint pen. The original size is quite small and one size larger than …

"Tender Corner" 1998 "優しい雰囲気の街角" 1998年

"Tender Corner" 1998 There is no concept of possession of land, and the buildings are decided by each other's intuition. The building is constantly maintained and adjusted to a harmonious appearance. I drew on a piece of art paper with a b…

"Buildings with small windows" 1998 "窓の小さな建物群" 1998年

"Buildings with small windows" 1998 The window is small because there is a technology that converts the energy entering the window into light energy and converts the brightness to several times. Solar energy is obtained directly from the w…

"Buildings for wave adjustment" 1998  "波動調整のための建物" 1998年

"Buildings for wave adjustment" 1998 The lens floats in a huge square object, and it is always moving in an optimal arrangement. A system in which the building in front receives the vibration wave and sends a natural vibration wave to the …

"A light that gently illuminates a street corner" 1998  "淡い光が優しく照らす街角" 1998年

"A light that gently illuminates a street corner" 1998 The light in this city is not light of electricity but organic light. I drew on a piece of art paper with a ballpoint pen. The original size is quite small and one size larger than the…