"City with Conference Hall" 1998 "会議場のある都市" 1998年


"会議場のある都市" 1998年




複製: 8,000円。A4の紙に原寸でプリント。個々に応じたメッセージを描き入れます。


"City with Conference Hall" 1998

Several families live around a calm and small square. There is no concept of home ownership, and the boundaries are vague. Rules are created so that even if there is no ambiguity, the evolution of the brain corresponds to it.

I drew on a piece of art paper with a ballpoint pen.

The original size is quite small and one size larger than the postcard.

Reproduction: 8,000 yen. Printed in original size on A4 paper. Draw in the message according to each person.

If you wish the original picture, we will consult with you.